Links to California and U.S. Employment Law

Links to California and U.S. Employment Law

This page links to California and U.S. agencies providing summaries of employment law.

California Civil Rights Department [providing online access to legal summaries and complaint forms covering discrimination, retaliation, and harassment]

United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission [covering federal statutes and regulations prohibiting discrimination in employment, with summaries of law and guidance for filing a complaint with the Commission]

California Unemployment Insurance Application Instructions provided by the California Employment Development Department.

California Labor and Workforce Development Agency Resources [This  “LWDA” page links to Cal OSHA, EDD, Family Paid Leave, Workers’ Comp, Disability Insurance, and filings with the Labor Commissioner for wages.  It also provides information to employee attorneys seeking to bring wage claims for large groups of employees.]

The LWDA Guide to Employee or Independent Contractor Status. [This summary states the “A/B/C” test of independent contractor status and provides some examples.

The U.S. Department of Labor’s “Employment Law Guide” [ provides practical guidance to understand federal wage, benefit, safety and health, and nondiscrimination policies for businesses.]

CA DIR Booklet of Employee Rights [Produced by the CA Labor Enforcement Task Force, this free booklet is written for working people in low-paying jobs who may be exploited by employers taking advantage of their status.  It includes clear, relevant examples of both rights and violations.]